Burkett, Maxine
This webpage lists all of the articles that the faculty member has physically donated to the Law Library's Faculty Archive. Please see the Biography, ScholarSpace and SSRN links above to find more publications by this faculty member.
Series A- Articles
Lessons from Contemporary Resettlement in the South Pacific,
68 J. Int'l Aff. (2016) -
Climate-induced migration and the role of philanthropy
Alliance Magazine (2016) -
Small Island States and the Paris Agreement (2015)
Rehabilitation: Proposal for Climate Compensation Mechanism for Small Island States.
13 Santa Clara J. Int'l L. 1 (2015) -
Loss and Damage.
4 Climate L. (2014)
Strategic Voting and African-Americans: True Vote, True Representaion, True Power for the Black Community8 Mich. J. Race & L. 425 (2002-2003)
Climate Justice, Climate Change Discourse, and the Failure of the Elite-Driven Democracy: A Think PieceAm. Studies. Inst. (Seoul National University Winter 2010)
In Search of Refuge: Pacific Islands, Climate-Induced Migration, and the Legal Frontier98 Asia Pac. Issues (2011)
Litigating Climate Change Adaptation: Theory, Practice, and Corrective (Climate) Justice42 Env. L. Rptr. 11144 (2012)
Duty and Breach in an Era of Uncertainty: Local Government Liability for Failure to Adapt to Climate Change20 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 775 (2012-2013)
- Justice Paradox: On Climate Change, Small Island Developing States, and the Quest for Effective Legal Remedy
35 U. Haw. L. Rev. 633 (2013)
Just Solutions to Climate Change: A Climate Justice Proposal for a Domestic Clean Development Mechanism
56 Buffalo L. Rev. 1 (2008) -
Reconciliation and Nonrepetition: A New Paradigm for African-American Reparations
86 Or. L. Rev. 99 (2007)
- Threatened Island Nations by Call Number: K3585.5 .T48 2013
ISBN: 9781107025769
Publication Date: 2013-01-21
Chapter title "The Nation Ex-Situ"