Exploring the Scholarship of Jon Van Dyke Exhibit

This is an exhibit displaying select items from the Jon Van Dyke  Archive that represents the work he did during his lifetime, and that have relevance today.  

The exhibit is categorized into 4 main themes related to 

  • JVD's Constitutional and Historical Analysis that Informed Who Owns the Crown Lands of Hawaii 
  • Legal Papers from the Ferdinand Marcos Human Rights Litigation Case
  • The Development of the Pacific Charter of Human Rights
  • Jon Van Dyke's Advocacy for Protecting Ocean Environments

These items were chosen because of the questions, findings and sources that he worked with, which could be revisited or built upon today, to further craft legal jurisprudence on Pacific issues that centers Indigenous rights, environmental protection and human rights.  


Mahalos to the Hawaiʻi Council for Humanities, the students and staff at the University of Hawaiʻi Law Library, the University of Hawaii Hamilton Library Desktop Network Services