Disc 1 Track 06. Continuation of Bruss Keppeler, to Ricky Schwartz to Mel Matsuda.


Disc 1 Track 06. Continuation of Bruss Keppeler, to Ricky Schwartz to Mel Matsuda.


Disc 1


Series 1: Memorabilia
Oral History/Testimony - A Law School for Hawaii






Hawaii State Judiciary Committee


Bruss Keppeler, Ricky Schwartz, and Mel Matsuda


Bruss Keppeler

0:00-0:10 CJ: That are all ready to go out and take the bar examination and enter practice and do a good job and practice law,

0:10-0:22 this is important that they the law school produce, produces capable attorneys for private practice, but it really can't stop there.

0:23-0:40 So actually we all been talking about are collateral programs which can broaden the purview of the Law School activities, and draw more effective faculty and better students.

0:40-1:06 Professors do wish to, as scholars, to broaden their knowledge and deepen their knowledge in particular areas. Though teaching is a very satisfying part of their job, they are all interested in doing more research, publishing, and developing the body of information in their particular field.

1:06-1:15 The University of Washington Asian Law program is the kind of program we are thinking about.

1:15-1:29 Basically, one which studies Japanese, Chinese, and Filipino Law, commercial law, the law of the business and community of each one of those countries.

1:30-1:40 The University of Hawaii program might be similar but my initial thinking has been that it might be a bit broader than that if possible eventually.

1:40-1:47 Not talking about this particular Rome being built in a day of course, this thing has to expand.

1:47-2:12 But we're dealing with many countries along the Pacific rim Japan certainly, Taiwan certainly, and the Philippines to a greater and lesser degree depending on their feelings of where they want to go in their relationship with The United States in trade.

2:12-2-27 I think we are going to be dealing of course for a long time with the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, and certainly, Micronesia might fit into this program too.

2:27-2:43 All of these countries are trading with the United States. Attorneys with American Companies which do business out there are... Everyone knows know precious little about the laws of those countries.

2:44-2:52 The University of Hawaii Program in this area might well serve practicing attorneys in this area.

2:52-3:00 Well Mr. Ichiki and I sat down and brainstormed a little bit about what might be done by this program.

3:00-3:16 One, a masters degree in Pacific Rim nation commercial law, might well be awarded by the University of Hawaii School of Law eventually, a full-fledged masters program in other words.

3:17-3:42 Practicing law institute for attorneys from the United States would matriculate short periods of time in seminars and conferences on Japanese, Chinese, and another specific areas of commercial law might well be held under the interest of the University of Washington School of Law.

3:43-4:10 This is a two-way street as well the University of Hawaii School of Law might well also conduct seminars from an attorneys from this other countries in American commercial laws, so that they might also be better prepared to serve clients who have these east-west trade connections.

4:10-4:37 Another area in which was really (Andy Ichiki’s?) idea was the possibility of helping out our sister new state, the state of Alaska, certainly a very important citizen in this Oceanic community we are talking about, develop its law and its relationships as well with these other countries as part of our community.

4:38-4:50 The University of Alaska, as far as I know, is not planning at the moment to develop a law school and I don't believe they're even thinking about it in the near future, this is an idea too.

4:50-5:09 At any rate this kind of program basically with them studies the commercial legal system of each one of these countries I'll name Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Philippines, Japan and other members of the Pacific Rim.

5:10-5:27 These commercial law courses would be taught either in a master program or introductory courses might be offered for those who are going for their initial degree in law as well.

5:27-5:47 The University of Washington has discovered that one of the original things that you must do in order to develop this kind of program is to translate legal materials that are now available in these other countries that are not in English.

5:47-6:11 the University of Washington is a matter of fact spent the past six years or so trying to develop a body of law in English, the body of information a body of useful material on Japanese and Chinese law, and our law school, if it did embark on such a program, would have to start there too.

6:11-6:47 We think, Andy and I, in our initial studying that the University of Hawaii would I think to be in a better position to create or begin and mature this kind of Pacific Rim nations law program than the University of Washington or any other school on the mainland and we certainly look forward to helping any future committee or the faculty itself think in term of such as graduate study.

Ricky Schwartz

6:54-7:13 Thank you Bruss. The other half of our presently very sketchy inquiry into what we can do to become a true bridge between the orient and the United States mainland is being looked into by Mel Masuda.

7:13-7:24 Mel was also born in Hawaii and went to law school at some obscure school in the east called Yale I think, I’d heard of it once or twice.

7:27-7:51 When he wasn’t doing that, Mel Matsuda spend of time as a reporter on the advertiser here, he is now an attorney with the firm Carlsmith, Carlsmith, Wichman and Case, before that he was a clerk for the Chief Justice who spends part of his year trying to nab the very best lawyers who come in to Hawaii each year from Law Schools and generally does a pretty good job of that.

7:51-8:36 Mel is the editor of the bar news. He is also the real leader of a recent group of lawyers who formed together for a specific purpose, some of you may have read about an organization called L.A.W which is the abbreviation for Lawyers Against Waste, an organization formed to provide free legal help to to conservation groups, or any kinds of group who had a problem involving conservation and preservation of our resources in Hawaii which needed legal help and who didn't have the money to hire their own lawyers, the members of this group are all lawyers and private practice who donate their service and time.
8:36-8:50 Mel was largely responsible for putting that organization together even though I got credit for it. I didn't deserve it, even now he still does all the work. With that background, I give you Mel Masuda.

Mel Masuda

8:50-9:09 Thank you Rich, I’ve been assigned the task of trying to shape at least the outlines of the program and East-West comparative law, non-commercial aspects thereof


9 minutes 8 seconds
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“Disc 1 Track 06. Continuation of Bruss Keppeler, to Ricky Schwartz to Mel Matsuda.,” The Archival Collections at the University of Hawaiʻi School of Law Library, accessed September 15, 2024, http://archives.law.hawaii.edu/items/show/19351.