Series 11: Subject Files, Box 1
Subseries |
Subsubseries |
Item |
Location: 17.3.4. |
Date |
A-F |
American Bar Association |
Correspondences and memorandums from the American Bar Association to Sam King in regards to membership, conferences, and miscellaneous information |
1 |
June 1994-October 1998 |
A-F |
American Bar Association |
Reports with Recommendations to the House of Delegates |
2 |
June 7, 1995 |
A-F |
American Bar Association |
Copies of journal articles from the Bar Leader and Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics |
3 |
March-April 1995, 1994 |
A-F |
American Bar Association |
CPR Member Newsletter, membership roster, and report |
4 |
July 1995 |
A-F |
American Bar Association |
Program for Conference on Professional Responsibility |
5 |
1995, 1996, 2007 |
A-F |
American Bar Foundation |
Correspondences to the Fellows of the ABF |
6 |
1990-91, 1995, 1999, 2007 |
A-F |
American Bar Foundation |
Membership By-Laws and Roster |
7 |
N/A |
A-F |
American Bar Foundation |
Issues of Researching Law Booklets |
8 |
1999-2001 |
A-F |
American Bar Foundation |
Issues of American Bar Foundations' Fellows News Newsletters |
9 |
1990-1999 |
A-F |
American College of Trust and Estate Counsel |
Correspondences and booklets for the 2007 Fall and Summer Meeting |
10 |
2007 |
A-F |
American Inns of Court |
Correspondences, Issues of the Bencher Newsletters, Gift Catalog, and notices to annual banquet |
11 |
1984-85, 1993-94, 2003-05 |
A-F |
American Judicature Society |
Reports, Issues of Judicial Conduct Reporter, and Columns Newsletters |
12 |
2005, 2008 |
A-F |
American Participant Program U.S. Info Agency |
Journal articles and newspaper clippings regarding U.S. Judges, rulings, and cases |
13 |
1980-1984 |
A-F |
American Participant Program U.S. Info Agency |
Copy of journal articles, copy of newspaper clippings, Free speech report, and magazine clippings regarding U.S. Constitutional Rights |
14 |
1976, 1983 |
A-F |
Association of Plaintiff Lawyers of Hawaii |
The Association of Plaintiffs Lawyers of Hawaii booklet and special membership meeting form |
15 |
November 16-17, 1989 |
A-F |
Association of Plaintiff Lawyers of Hawaii |
Outline of SPK Constitutional Law, Footnotes, Journal Article, Newspaper clippings, newsletters, and case comments |
16 |
1984 |
A-F |
The Caledonian Society of Hawaii |
Program to "Simply Burns," correspondences and copy of photos featuring Sam King |
17 |
January 26, 1987 |
A-F |
Con Con |
Final Report concerning the 1978 Hawaii Constitutional Convention prepared for the First Hawaiian Bank and Con Con Fact Sheet |
18 |
January 28-February 1, 1978; April 15-18, 1978 |
A-F |
Con Con |
Booklet, correspondences and Model Judicial Article |
19 |
June 8 and 13, 1978; August 1978; October 1978 |
A-F |
Con Con |
Program, flyers, correspondences, invitation, reply forms and rules regarding the Constitutional Convention Delegates' Workshop |
20 |
May 23, June 12-16, June 23 1978 |
A-F |
Con Con |
Newspapers featuring Booklet of Amendments, photos, list of Con Con winners and election tally of candidates |
21 |
November 7, 1978; April and May 21 |
A-F |
District Judges Association |
Correspondences, memorandums, list of Senior District Judges, Nominations to Senate and election info sheet |
22 |
February 2002-September 2005 |
A-F |
District Judges Association |
Journal articles, charts, reports to the House of Representatives and report titled "Urgent Business for America" |
23 |
January 2003, February 2005, October 4, 2004 |
A-F |
District Judges Association |
Correspondences and Memorandums to U.S. Judges |
24 |
January 2006-December 2008 |
A-F |
District Judges Association |
Judicial Compensation booklet and one issue of Judicial Conduct Reporter |
25 |
April 4, 2007, Winter 2006 |
A-F |
District Judges Association |
Journal Articles from Bloomberg, National Law Journal and Daily Journal News source regarding U.S. Judges |
26 |
September 2008; October 9, 2008; November 26, 2008 |
A-F |
District Judges Association |
Testimonies of Stephen Breyer, Samuel Alito, Justice Anthony M. Kennedy |
27 |
February 14, 2007; April 19, 2007 |
A-F |
Federal Bar Association |
Correspondences to FBA members, flyers, memorandums, newsletters and ballots |
28 |
March 1990-October 1999 |
A-F |
Federal Judges Association |
Correspondences and memorandums to U.S. Circuit Judges |
29 |
October 1983-January 1984; Feb 1996, Nov 1996, Nov 1998; Nov-Dec 1999 |
A-F |
Federal Judges Association |
Correspondences and memorandums to U.S. Circuit Judges |
30 |
July-December 2000, February-December 2003, April 2006, January-May 2008 |
A-F |
Federal Judges Association |
Copies of journal articles from Daily Journal and L.A. Times; Issues of FJA in Camera newsletters |
31 |
July 2006; April 1, 2004, December 10, 2008 |
A-F |
Federal Judges Association |
Four issues of In Camera: Federal Judges Association Quarterly Report |
32 |
January 1994, July 1995, December 1999, November 2002 |