Series 4: Box 2(2)

Primary Series Subseries Subseries Item Date Identifier
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate   Ka Wai Ola O OHA, April. Fax from Elisa Yadao to CJ about the Will of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, Kamehameha's Educational Programs, the trustees. 1993, 1997 CJWSRS4B2(2):1
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Reference Material for Speeches (KS/BE) Letter from Frank E. Midkiff to members of the Staff, Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estate, attached with Midkiff's paper, "An Indigenous Foundation." 1960 CJWSRS4B2(2):2
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Reference Material for Speeches (KS/BE) Frank E. Midkiff, The Story of the "Bishop Estate" with Foreword.   CJWSRS4B2(2):3
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Reference Material for Speeches (KS/BE) "The Origin, Objectives, and Development of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estate" by Frank E. Midkiff. 1961 CJWSRS4B2(2):4
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Reference Material for Speeches (KS/BE) Address by Joseph W. Lapilio III to the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs Annual Convention, Hilo, Hawaii. 1984 CJWSRS4B2(2):5
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Reference Material for Speeches (KS/BE) Education Division Assembly, Trustee Myron Thompson. 1987 CJWSRS4B2(2):6
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Reference Material for Speeches (KS/BE) "Bishop Estate Today -- The rest of you Tomorrow," Mr. Takabuki, Rotary Club of Honolulu. 1984 CJWSRS4B2(2):7
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Reference Material for Speeches (KS/BE) "The Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estate: Its Impact on Hawaii," Address by Mr. Hung Wo Ching to the Young President's Organization Planning Conference, Mauna Kea Beach Hotel. 1974 CJWSRS4B2(2):8
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Reference Material for Speeches (KS/BE) "Our Christian Roots," a Sermon Delivered at Bishop Memorial Church Pauahi Sunday by Mr. Matsuo Takabuki, Trustee. 1987 CJWSRS4B2(2):9
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Reference Material for Speeches (KS/BE) Memo from Neil J. Hannahs attached with a speech he delivered "Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate: Committed to Rights, A Mission & Re-Building Trust." 1985 CJWSRS4B2(2):10
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Reference Material for Speeches (KS/BE) Letter correspondence between Mr. Lyman and Sharlene Grace, attached with an impromptu essay written by a 6th grader about Mrs. Bishop's death. 1984 CJWSRS4B2(2):11
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Reference Material for Speeches (KS/BE) "Agnes Kalanihoʻokaha Cope," from "Nana Ina Loea Hula: Look to the Hula Resources" by Shuzo Uemoto. 1984 CJWSRS4B2(2):12
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Reference Material for Speeches (KS/BE) Remarks given at the ceremony commemorating the founding of Bishop Estate, Monday, December 3, 1984, at Kawaihaʻo Plaza by George S. Kanahele. 1984 CJWSRS4B2(2):13
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Reference Material for Speeches (KS/BE) "The Kamehameha Schools and the Bishop Estate" by Frank E. Midkiff, 75th Anniversary Lecture   CJWSRS4B2(2):14
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Reference Material for Speeches (KS/BE) The Sunday Star-Bulletin & Advertiser, "Her Dream, Her Will, Her Legacy 100 Years Later, Bernice P. Bishop." Honolulu Star-Bulletin, "A Particular Point of View: What the Hawaiians Are Fighting to Achieve." 1983-84 CJWSRS4B2(2):15
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Reference Material for Speeches (KS/BE) Letter correspondence between Buddy Neller and Judge Richardson attached with "Cultural Resource Management work in the area of the Kamehameha III Birthsite Memorial" Prepared for Kamehameha Investment Corporation. 1983-84 CJWSRS4B2(2):16
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Reference Material for Speeches (KS/BE) Letter correspondence between Kimi and Jane Abernethy about Pauahi's Diaries. Clarice B. Taylor's "Tales about Hawaii," November 14-18, 21-26. 1955 CJWSRS4B2(2):17
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate   "The Kamehameha Schools and the Bishop Estate" by Frank E. Midkiff, 75th Anniversary Lecture of the Bishop Estate. 1962 CJWSRS4B2(2):18
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate For CJ The Honolulu Advertiser, "Panel will probe judiciary's actions." 1985 CJWSRS4B2(2):19
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate For CJ "The Legacy of a Princess," The Kamehameha Schools Bernice P. Bishop Estate.   CJWSRS4B2(2):20
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate For CJ Hawaii Housing Authority v. Frank E. Midkiff, on application for stay, No. A-118. 1983 CJWSRS4B2(2):21
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate   Newspaper Articles, "Richardson Files suit to Stay on the Bench" and "Bishop Estate trustees discuss job." 1973, 1980 CJWSRS4B2(2):22
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate   Letter correspondence between William . Richardson and Adrienne S. King about an attached photo of Justice Stevens and Richardson from the Pacific Club Reception. 1987 CJWSRS4B2(2):23
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate   Letter correspondence between Linda M. Colburn and William S. Richardson about the "Operation ʻOhana OHA Hawaiian Ancestry project. Sticker, E pulama I Ko Kakou Hoʻoilina, E hoʻoko I ka papa helu ʻoiwi. 1995 CJWSRS4B2(2):24
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate   Letter correspondence between Norman M. Fujioka and William Richardson about the attached Certificate of Service, the Judiciary's Volunteers in Public Service (VIPS) to the Courts Program. 1996 CJWSRS4B2(2):25
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate   "Hoʻoponopono -- To Set Right: A Hawaiian Peacemaking Process" by Manu Meyer. 1994 CJWSRS4B2(2):26
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate   Newspaper Articles about Bishop Trustees' compensation, the Intermediate Courts, KS Admission policy, Justice Ginsburg's Hawaii visit, Ginsburg and the Legal Defense and Education Fund, the HI Supreme Court backlog, Robert Klein, Supreme Court cases and criticisms and overburden. 1999, 2002-04 CJWSRS4B2(2):27
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate   "ʻAha Hawaiʻi Oiwi, The Native Hawaiian Convention, A Consultation with the People."   CJWSRS4B2(2):28
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate   Newspaper Articles about Beatrice Burns, Supreme Court Justices discussing the Bishop Estate selection process, Bishop Estate's legal Army, Rep. Terrance Tom's Bishop Estate work challenged, Bishop Estate salaries and management, Lokelani Lindsey, Trustee Gerard Stervis. 1997 CJWSRS4B2(2):29
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate   Newspaper Articles about the Hawaii Annexation (by A.A. Smyser), crucial events in Hawaii (by Thomas Kaulukukui Sr.), statehood anniversary, Justice Brennan. 1991, 1997, 1999 CJWSRS4B2(2):30
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate   Newspaper articles about executive compensation, Monsignor Kekumano and the Bishop Estate Trustees, Estate Tax, Bishop Estate's damage to the Real Estate Industry, Justice Brennan Obituary, cable, the "Kelley Case" (by Kazuhisa Abe), venture capital. 1993, 1995, 1997 CJWSRS4B2(2):31
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate   Newspaper Articles about Bishop Estate term-limit bill, Saks Fifth, Trustee salaries, Bishop Estate criticisms about mismanagement, Estate investment, KS spending criticized, Henry Peters and conflict of interest, KS mismanagement, Campbell Estate, Estate pay cut, Attorney General and Bishop Estate, Trustees Stender and Jervis say Lindsey unfit to serve. 1993, 1997 CJWSRS4B2(2):32
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate   Gerard Jervis v. Margery Bronster, memorandum in support of petition for writ of prohibition. 1998 CJWSRS4B2(2):33
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate   Honolulu Star-Bulletin, "Stender: 'I am overwhelmed,'" The Sunday Star-Bulletin & Advertiser, "Trustee Richardson inducted into the OCS Hall of Fame." 1989, 1992 CJWSRS4B2(2):34
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate   Will of Bernice Pauahi Bishop, copy. 1883 CJWSRS4B2(2):35
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate   "Bernice Pauahi Bishop: The Legacy," O.K. Stender, Presentation to Rotary Club of Wahiawa, August 29, 1991. 1991 CJWSRS4B2(2):36
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate   Kamehameha Schools, Honors Banquet. 1992 CJWSRS4B2(2):37
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate   Letters to the Editor, "Bishop Estate, politics, etc." by William S. Richardson. "A goldman stake for Hawaiians." Legacy: "Why This Column;" "The Vision;" "Race, Fairness and Leasehold Conversion." 1990, 1992 CJWSRS4B2(2):38
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate   Kamehameha Schools/B.P. Bishop Estate, Liquidity Report (confidential). 1992 CJWSRS4B2(2):39
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate   American Trust, "The Hawaii Land Trust, How it serves the Real Estate Owner, Investor and Developer." Hawaii Land Trust Seminar: Legal, Tax, and Lending Aspects. 1979 CJWSRS4B2(2):40
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate   Star-Bulletin, "Court strikes down initiative; city must rule on Sandy Beach." Paper Clips, Articles from Hawaii's Print Media of Interest to KS/BE Staff, Vol. 3 No.29, and Vol. 3 No.10, including articles about Trustees, Land, Hawaiian issues, Economic and Business. 1989 CJWSRS4B2(2):41
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate   Honolulu Star-Bulletin, "Struggle with political ties continues." The Honolulu Advertiser, "Legacy: What Would the Princess Want?" 1993, 2001 CJWSRS4B2(2):42
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate   ʻAno ʻAi Kakou: Greetings from friend to friends, Vol. 3, No. 1, "Trustee Richardson Focuses on Community Programs." 1992 CJWSRS4B2(2):43
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate   Newspaper Articles about Kamehameha Schools, Bishop Estate and leasehold crisis, Legacy, Lokelani Lindsey, Bishop Estate's data destruction, Lindsey and Stender disagreement, Professor Randy Roth and the Bishop Estate, proposed legislation for Bishop Estate changes, Gerard Jervis. 1991, 1993, 1997 CJWSRS4B2(2):44
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate   To: Trustee Richardson. "Monthly Short-Term Cash Forecast through December 31, 1993." 1993 CJWSRS4B2(2):45
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate   Newspaper Articles about Lokelani Lindsey, Michael Chun and Kamehameha Schools spending, Trustees at odds, Bishop Estate's finances review, Trustees and Bronster Clash, Trustees calls for change, KS faculty wanting all trustees out, Legacy. 1993, 1997 CJWSRS4B2(2):46
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Bishop Estate 1982-92 Newspaper Articles about Bishop Estate trustees, Legacy, fee-sale options, land issues, Bishop Estate and cap on commissions, Oswald Stender appointment to Bishop Estate, Bishop Estate seat nominations. 1989, 1991-93 CJWSRS4B2(2):47
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Bishop Estate 1982-92 Paper Clips, Articles from Hawaii's Print Media of Interest to KS/BE Staff Vol. 3, No. 36, articles about trustees, Land issues, education, and KS/BE. 1989 CJWSRS4B2(2):48
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Bishop Estate 1982-92 Newspaper Articles about Matsuo Takabuki and conflict of interests, rethinking the Princess' legacy, KS reading program, KS spending criticisms, chipping away at paternalism, Trustee high salary, KS students, Trustees defending salaries, KS students not getting basic resources, KS alumni opinion, Henry Peters, Bishop Estate Reform. 1986-87, 1989 CJWSRS4B2(2):49
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Bishop Estate 1982-92 Ka Hoʻike Nuhou O Na Hoʻokama A Pauahi, The Kamehameha Schools Post High Scholarship Program, Special Centennial Issue. 1986 CJWSRS4B2(2):50
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Bishop Estate 1982-92 Newspaper Articles about the controversial status of Henry Peters, Big Estates as Big Businesses, Hawaii's 4 major estates, Land Reform Statute, Peters conflict of interest, Peters appointment to Bishop Estate, Bishop Estate investment on mainland. 1984-85 CJWSRS4B2(2):51
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Bishop Estate 1982-92 Letter correspondence between Matsuo Takabuki and William Morris attached with a Washington Post article, "Land Reform Struggle in Hawaii has worldwide implications." 1984 CJWSRS4B2(2):52
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Bishop Estate 1982-92 Newspaper Articles about Princess Pauahi's Courtship, 100 applications for Bishop Trustee position, Bishop Estate. 1983-84 CJWSRS4B2(2):53
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Bishop Estate 1982-92 Hawaiian Business Digest, No. 58, "Richard J. Kailihiwa Lyman Jr. Trustee, Bishop Estate." 1983 CJWSRS4B2(2):54
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Bishop Estate 1982-92 Business card, John K. Tsui. New York Times, "Hawaii Trust Wields Unusual Power." 1983 CJWSRS4B2(2):55
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Bishop Estate 1982-92 Newspaper Articles about Richardson selection proposal, Bishop Estate Trustees' Fees, Pearl Nishimura and BE concerns, Trustees' compensation, Trustee responsibilities, Midkiff retirement, search for trustees 1982-83 CJWSRS4B2(2):56
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Bishop Estate: Land Reform Newspaper Articles about Enchanted lake homeowners and BE settlement, leasehold lands, Tract settlements, Land Reform Act and Supreme Court decision, Concerns about Property Rights, "Public Use" issue. 1984-87 CJWSRS4B2(2):57
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Bishop Estate: Land Reform Ka Wai Ola O OHA, Vol. 1, No. 5, Court Decision Poses Questions. 1984 CJWSRS4B2(2):58
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Bishop Estate: Land Reform Newspaper Articles about Land Reform Act, the U.S. Supreme Court, the Bishop Estate, lessees and landowner rights. 1983-84 CJWSRS4B2(2):59
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate   Newspaper Articles about changing Bishop Estate, Herman Lum's remarks on Bishop Estate trustees, Water Rights, State Judicial Selection Commission nominees, David Kaupu, House lot sales and Bishop Estate income, Land, Water, and Education. 1856, 1983 CJWSRS4B2(2):60
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Bishop Estate Trustees, Papers Received After Appointment -- Takabuki Statement of Associate Justice Masaji Marumoto regarding the appointment of Matsuo Takabuki as a trustee of the Bishop Estate   CJWSRS4B2(2):61
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Bishop Estate Trustees, Papers Received After Appointment -- Takabuki Letter correspondence between members of Hui Kukakuka and W.S. Richardson attached with the group's letter to the Ad Hoc Committee Bishop Estate Trustee regarding Takabuki 1971 CJWSRS4B2(2):62
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Bishop Estate Trustees, Papers Received After Appointment -- Takabuki Letter correspondence between Matsuo Takabuki and William Richardson attached with "New Tax Decisions and Rulings," Daily Tax Report (No. 132). 1971 CJWSRS4B2(2):63
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Bishop Estate Trustees, Papers Received After Appointment -- Takabuki The Alumni members of Kamehameha Schools, residents of the County of San Diego, challenging the appointment of Mr. Matsuo Takabuki as a Trustee. 1971 CJWSRS4B2(2):64
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Bishop Estate Trustees, Papers Received After Appointment -- Takabuki Letter correspondence between Donald D. Braida and William S. Richardson about appointing Educators as trustees; between Charles Kekoa and William S. Richardson about a Star Bulletin article regarding a list of potential appointees. 1971 CJWSRS4B2(2):65
Series 4: Native Hawaiian Research Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Bishop Estate Trustees, Papers Received After Appointment -- Takabuki Letter correspondence between Eric K. Kawamura and Richardson about the controversy around the definition of the term "Hawaiian." 1971 CJWSRS4B2(2):66