Series 3: Box 3

Primary Series Subseries Subsubseries Item Date Box Number
Series 3: Judiciary H.S.C.   The Honolulu Advertiser article regarding "Chief Justice Lum to Step Down"; Star-Bulletin article regarding "Hawaii's living-will should be strengthened"; The Honolulu Advertiser article regarding "Waihee's court, Where does it go from here"; The Honolulu Advertiser article "regarding "High Court Upholds Puna Land Swap"; Star-Bulletin article regarding "Chief Justice Lum Will Retire in April" 1990, 1992 CJWSRS3B3:1
Series 3: Judiciary H.S.C.   The Honolulu Advertiser article regarding "Lum's departure Quality Successor most needed"; The Honolulu Advertiser article regarding "Lum, Inouye took separate paths toward the same goal"; The Honolulu Advertiser article regarding "Hawaii's Supreme Court and the Lum years"; The Star-Bulletin article regarding "Lum: Decision on his own future yet to come"; The Honolulu Advertiser article regarding "Waihee seeks an 'activist' State Supreme Court" 1982, 1992 CJWSRS3B3:2
Series 3: Judiciary H.S.C.   Honolulu Advertiser regarding "Lum Court getse mixed marks from the legal experts"; Honolulu Advertiser article regarding "Lum court: conservative after revolution"; The Honolulu Advertiser article regarding "Lum's court one of 'memorandum' rulings"; Honolulu Advertiser article regarding "Coming up: 'Waihee Court'"; Star-Bulletin photo of Chief Justice Herman Lum, Yoshimi Hayashi, Edward Nakamura, Frank Padgett, and James Wakatsuki 1992 CJWSRS3B3:3
Series 3: Judiciary H.S.C.   Honolulu Advertiser article regarding "Hawaii's Supreme Court and the Lum Years"; Unidentified news outlet article regarding "Lum: Decision on his own future yet to come"; Unidentified news outlet article regarding "Former court members, current court members"; Honolulu Advertiser article regarding "Lum Court gets mixed Marks from the legal experts"; Honolulu Advertiser article regarding "Lum's court turned conservative after Richardson's 'revolution'"; Honolulu Advertiser article regarding "Richardson: Lum court less activist" 1992 CJWSRS3B3:4
Series 3: Judiciary H.S.C.   Honolulu Advertiser article regarding "Waihee: Governor wants an 'activist' court"; Star-Bulletin article regarding "coming up: 'Waihee court'"; Honolulu Advertiser article regarding "Lum's court one of 'memorandum' rulings"; The Honolulu Advertiser article photo of Herman Lum, Ed Nakamura, and Frank Padgett; Honolulu Advertiser article regarding "Lum, Inouye took separate paths toward the same goal"; Honolulu Advertiser article regarding "Waihee seeks an 'activist' supreme court" 1992 CJWSRS3B3:5
Series 3: Judiciary Board Manual Judiciary History Center Judiciary History Center Handbook table of Contents; Executive Board list of contacts; 3 orders of Appointment of Members of the Executive Board for the Judiciary History Center; Print-out of Chapter 6F of the Board Manual of the Judiciary History Center; Email correspondence between Thalia Lani Lapilio and Alvin Naguwa about "Expenditure report for the Month of June 1993", attached is the report 1988, 1993, 1990-1994 CJWSRS3B3:6
Series 3: Judiciary Board Manual Judiciary History Center Judiciary History Center Executive Board Retreat Agenda; Judiciary History Center Executive Board Retreat Agenda; Alberta Museums Association Standard Practices Handbook excerpt titled "Governing Board / Directors / Staff Roles and Responsibilities"; The Judiciary State of Hawaii Financial Administration Manual, Part 7, Purchasing; Hawaii Administrative Rules, Title 22 Judiciary, Judiciary History Center, Chapter 25, General Provisions 1993, 2003 CJWSRS3B3:7
Series 3: Judiciary Board Manual Judiciary History Center The Judiciary History Center, Long Range Plan, 1992-1997; Judiciary History Center Collection Policy; Judiciary History Center Organizational Chart; Judiciary History Center Staff; Position Description, Executive Director; Judiciary History Center Education Specialist Position description; Judiciary History Center, Secretary II, position description; List of contacts titled "Active Volunteers"; The Judiciary , State of Hawaii, Volunteers in Public Service (VIPS) to the Court's Position Description 1992, 1993 CJWSRS3B3:8
Series 3: Judiciary Board Manual Judiciary History Center Judiciary History Center, 1992 Annual Report; Judiciary History Center, Annual Report; Judiciary History Center of Hawaii, Annual Report; Survey of the Judiciary History Center Honolulu, Hawaii, for the Museum Assessment Program I American Association of Museums; American Associations of Museums, Code of Ethics for Museums 1990-1991, 1992 CJWSRS3B3:9
Series 3: Judiciary Board Manual Judiciary History Center In the Matter of a Petition of a charter of Incorporation of the Friends of the Judiciary Museum, 5521202; The Friends of Judiciary History Center Board of Directors; Parliamentary Law for Nonprofit Organizations, Chapter 75, Powers of Directors; List of contacts ; 5 Newsletters of the Friends of the Judiciary, Kaulike , History Center of Hawaii 1983, 1994, 1989-1993 CJWSRS3B3:10
Series 3: Judiciary WSR Resume 6 Versions of William S. Richardson's Resume; Fax correspondence between the Judiciary History Center, and Kamehameha Schools/Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estate; Email correspondence between Trustees and Elisa Yadao about "Biographical information"; Nomination for the University of Hawaii's 75th Anniversary Rainbow Award; Statement in Support of the Nomination of the Hon. William S. Richardson as an outstanding Alumnus of UH 1989, 1990 CJWSRS3B3:11
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center HB 2056/SB 2357 Letter Correspondence between William S. Richardson and Thalia Lani Maa about a bill to establish by statute the Judiciary History Center; A Bill for an Act Relating to the Judiciary History Center; The Senate, 15th Legislature, State of Hawaii, S.B. No. 2357; The Senate, 15th Legislature State of Hawaii, A Bill for an Act Relating to the Judiciary History Center; Receipt of requested positions 1990 CJWSRS3B3:12
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center HB 2056/SB 2357 The 15th Legislature Regular Session of 1990, Agenda; Letter correspondence between Joseph M. Souki and William S. Richardson about "H.B. 2057 Relating to the Judiciary History Center"; Letter correspondence between CJ Richardson, et al., about issues in the Judiciary History Center; Budget for Fiscal Year 1990-1991, Judiciary History Center; House of Representatives, 15th Legislature, H.B. No. 2057 1990 CJWSRS3B3:13
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center HB 2056/SB 2357 Fax correspondence between Kimi Sugamura and the Supreme Court Clerk's Office about a "Draft testimony for CJ Richardson"; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson an Mamoru Yamasaki about "S.B. 2357 Relating to the Judiciary History Center"; Letter correspondence between Herman Lum and William S. Richardson, about the future plans of the Judiciary History Center of Hawaii 1989, 1990 CJWSRS3B3:14
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center HB 2056/SB 2357 Receipt titled "Requested Positions"; The Senate 15th Legislature, state of Hawaii, A Bill for an Act Relating to the Judiciary History Center; 1989 Legislature contact list 1989, 1990 CJWSRS3B3:15
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Meetings / Organizational Judiciary History Center, Annual Report; Friends of the Judiciary History Center Board Meeting Agenda; Letter correspondence between T. Lani Maa Lapilio and CJ Richardson about the Judiciary History Center's second annual report; Friends of the Judiciary History Center Board Meeting Minutes; In the Matter of the Appointment of Members of the Board of the Judiciary History Center; Judiciary Center of Hawaii Annual Report 1990, 1991, 1992 CJWSRS3B3:16
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Meetings / Organizational Friends of the Judiciary History Center Board Meeting Agenda; Document titled "Bylaws Revision"; Friends of the Judiciary History Center Board Meeting Agenda, three sets of minutes from Judiciary History Center meetings; Friends of the Judiciary History Center of Hawaii meeting summary; Friends of the Judiciary History Center of Hawaii, Annual Membership meeting summary 1989, 1990, 1991 CJWSRS3B3:17
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Meetings / Organizational Friends of the Judiciary History Center of Hawaii meeting summary; Friends of the Judiciary History Center Meeting Minutes; Friends of the Judiciary History Center meeting Agenda; Letter correspondence between the Board Members of The Judiciary History Center of Hawaii about new Directors at the Annual Meeting; Letter correspondence between Williams Richardson and the Founding Members of the Friends of the Judiciary History Center about an upcoming meeting 1987, 1988, 1990 CJWSRS3B3:18
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Meetings / Organizational Letter Correspondence between William S. Richardson and Richard Miller about a possible position as chairperson of the Research and Publication committee; Letter correspondence between Bruce Graham, et al. about increasing the membership of the Friends of the Judiciary History Center; Friends of the Board Agenda; Friends Board meeting agenda; List of patrons, sustaining members, family, individuals, and seniors; Letter correspondence between Suzanna Case, et al. about the opening of the Judiciary History Center 1988 CJWSRS3B3:19
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Meetings / Organizational Letter correspondence between Friends of the Judiciary History Center and Esther Mookini about Arrangements for quarterly meetings; Untitled contact list; Friends of the Judiciary History Center Agenda; Untitled contact list; By-Laws of the Judiciary History Center of Hawaii; Letter correspondence between Board Members and William S. Richardson about an upcoming election 1987, 1990 CJWSRS3B3:20
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Meetings / Organizational Friends of the Judiciary History Center Board List of Members; Letter correspondence between Evanita Midkiff and William S. Richardson about "the Friend's nominating committee"; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and the Friends of the Judiciary Board Members about "election of a Friends board"; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and C. Frank Damon Jr. about Damon's service as chairman; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Stanley Hong about Hong's service as a board member 1986, 1987 CJWSRS3B3:21
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Meetings / Organizational Letter correspondence between Franklin Odo and William S. Richardson thanking Odo for his service to the Friends of the Judiciary History Center; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Suzanne about Director of the Judiciary History Center requests for membership contributions; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and C. Frank Damon Jr. about "Friends of the Judiciary History Center of Hawaii Research and Publications Committee" 1986 CJWSRS3B3:22
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Meetings / Organizational Friends of the Judiciary History Center of Hawaii Meeting Minutes; The Judiciary State of Hawaii, 'Aha'ilono, Volume XIII, No. 5; Letter correspondence between Friends of the Judiciary members and William S. Richardson about the Contract and for the renovation of Ali'iolani Hale; Friends of the Judiciary History Center Board list of members; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Friends of the Judiciary History Center about "the architectural drawings for renovations to Ali'iolani" 1986 CJWSRS3B3:23
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Meetings / Organizational Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and C. Frank Damon, Jr. about finding a replacement chairman to the Research and Publications committee; Letter correspondence between Friends of the Judiciary History Center and William S. Richardson about an upcoming meeting; Letter correspondence between the Friends of the Hawaiian Judiciary History Center and Margaret Setliff about an upcoming meeting; Letter correspondence between the Collections Committee and William S. Richardson about an upcoming meeting; two handwritten notes 1984, 1985 CJWSRS3B3:24
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Meetings / Organizational Friends of the Judiciary meeting Agenda; Letter correspondence between the Friends of the Judiciary Museum and William S. Richardson about grant proposals and committee work; Letter correspondence between C. Frank Damon Jr. and William S. Richardson about "Progress Report"; Friends of the Judiciary Museum list of contacts; Friends of the Judiciary Museum committee member list; Handwritten note; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and the Friends of the Judiciary museum about an upcoming meeting 1983, 1984 CJWSRS3B3:25
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Meetings / Organizational Friends of the Judiciary Museum meeting Agenda; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Bambi Weil about "Friends of the Judiciary Museum"; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and C. Frank Damon about "Friends of the Judicial Museum"; Letter correspondence between Frank Damon Jr. and a chairman asking Damon to serve as chair for a Research and Publications committee; Letter correspondence between Harry Ball, et al. about the Friends of the Judiciary Museum 1983 CJWSRS3B3:26
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Meetings / Organizational Typed note regarding a Research and Publications committee; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and the Friends of the Judiciary Museum about a follow up to a meeting; Letter correspondence between Helen W. Gillmor, et al. about a position on a small committee; handwritten note; typed note about TF Jane Silverman; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Richard S. Miller about serving on a committee; Friends of the Judiciary Museum, Meeting Agenda, Background on the Museum, William S. Richardson, Letter correspondence from Herman Lum about an upcoming meeting 1983 CJWSRS3B3:27
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Correspondence Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Karen K. Horita about the Judiciary History Center's relations to with the House of Representatives; Letter correspondence between A.J Garza and William S. Richardson about general information regarding the Friends of the Judiciary; Letter correspondence between William Richardson and Lani Maa about an upcoming production, attached is a script of a production titled "Law of the Land, Judiciary History Center Presentation" 1981, 1990, 1992 CJWSRS3B3:28
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Correspondence Letter correspondence between Esther K. Arinaga and William S. Richardson about Arinaga's resignation from the Judiciary History Center; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Lani Maa about Arinaga's resignation from the board; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Jane Silverman and William S. Richardson about Silverman's resignation from the board; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Jane Silverman about Silverman's resignation 1990 CJWSRS3B3:29
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Correspondence Supreme Court of the State of Hawaii, Order of Appointment of members to the Board of the Judiciary History Center; Document regarding a proposed process of the Friends of the Judiciary History Center, Letter correspondence between Suzanne Case and a member of the Judiciary History Center about the upcoming Barristers Ball; Letter correspondence between Suzanne Case and the Board of Directors about an upcoming meeting 1989, 1990, 1991 CJWSRS3B3:30
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Correspondence Letter correspondence between Stanley T. Koki, et al. about an invitation to the recently opened Judiciary History Center; Letter correspondence between Suzanne Case, et al. about the opening of the Judiciary History Center; Letter correspondence between Board Members and William S. Richardson about an upcoming meeting; Untitled receipt; Letter correspondence between Suzanne Case and the board members about recent visitors to the History Center; Judiciary History Center of Hawai'i flier including background information on the center 1989 CJWSRS3B3:31
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Correspondence Letter correspondence between Herman Lum and William S. Richardson about the opening of the Judiciary History Center; Letter to members of the Judiciary History Center board about an upcoming meeting; Memorandum correspondence between Ivan Lui-Kwan and Jane Silverman about a "contract for Loan from Friends to Momi Cazimero of Graphic House; Letter correspondence between Herman Lum and William S. Richardson about a previous letter; correspondence between William S. Richardson and Herman Lum about renovations and administrative structure 1988, 1989 CJWSRS3B3:32
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Correspondence Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Herman Lum about an Interim Contractual Funding Meeting; Letter correspondence between Herman Lum and William S. Richardson about an upcoming meeting; Transmittal letter correspondence between Lester Cingcade and Esther K. Arinaga about a draft letter; Typed notes titled "Admin, Committee Mtg"; Letter correspondence between Jane Silverman, et al. about "Friends membership"; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and the members of the board about an upcoming meeting 1988, 1989 CJWSRS3B3:33
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Correspondence Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Board Members about appointing new Directors; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Founding Members about an Annual Membership Meeting and Election of Directors; Letter correspondence between board members and William S. Richardson about the election of New Directors at an upcoming Annual Meeting; Hand written notes; Letter correspondence between Daniel G. Heely and C.J. William S. Richardson about an upcoming meeting 1988 CJWSRS3B3:34
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Correspondence Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Barnes Riznik about Riznik's role as a consultant; Letter correspondence between an unnamed board member and William S. Richardson about taking a vote by mail; Announcement to board members about an upcoming election; Handwritten note attached to a document titled "Friends of the Judiciary History Center of Hawaii, Board Meeting Agenda"; Letter correspondence between Herman Lum and William S. Richardson about requests by the Judiciary laid upon the Friends of the Judiciary of the Judiciary History Center of Hawaii; Handwritten notes 1988, 1989 CJWSRS3B3:35
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center 1992 List of Contacts and their institutions; Newsletter of the Friends of the Judiciary, No. 4; Letter correspondence between William Richardson and Lani Ma'a Lapilio about "the final Institution Assessment (MAPI) Report", attached is the report; Letter to the Friends of the Judiciary History Center by the Judiciary History Center reminding the Friends of an annual meeting; Board of Directors annual meeting, Election Ballot   CJWSRS3B3:36
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center 1992 Friends of the Judiciary History Center list of Candidates and serving members and their contact information; Judiciary History Center Executive Board Meeting Agenda; Document titled "Potential Board Members"; Friends of the Judiciary History Center Board of Directors list of term members and their respective term expiration dates; Judiciary History Center Program specialist, Duties and qualifications; Judiciary History Center, Executive Board Meeting Minutes; Packet of information on the direction of the Judiciary History Center 1992 CJWSRS3B3:37
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center 1992 The Judiciary History Center, Hawai'i State Judiciary, et al. booklet entitled Hawai'i under Martial Law: 1941-1944; Booklet titled "Monarchy Promenade, a walking Tour"; The Judiciary History Center, et al., pamphlet titled "A Living History Program"; Hawaii Committee for the Humanities, Audience Reaction Survey; The Judiciary History Center pamphlet titled " 'O ke Kanawai A Me Ke Kaulike Law & Justice"; Newsletters of the Friends of the Judiciary No.3 and No.2 1985, 1989, 1991 CJWSRS3B3:38
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Projects/Misc. The Friends of the Judiciary History Center, pamphlet titled "The Judiciary History Center"; Kanawai Mau Mo'olelo, Laws of Historic Preservation in Hawaii by Thalia Lani Ma'a; Resume of Thalia Ohiaokalani Maa, Esq; Newsletter of the Friends of the Judiciary, Kaulike, History Center of Hawaii No.2 and No.1; Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs, A Resolution; Note to Kimi from Jane Silverman about an attached letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Jolyn Tamura about "Translation: District Court Minute Books" 1989, 1990, 1991 CJWSRS3B3:39
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Projects/Misc. Unaddressed Welcome letter from the President of the Friends of the Judiciary History Center and the Executive Board to the opening of "Hawaii Under Martial Law, 1941-1944"; Fax correspondence between CJ Richardson and Lani Mao about a draft of a speech; Honolulu Advertiser article regarding "Teachers' verdict on Judiciary history Museum: Outstanding"; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Herminia Laola Ross about a donation by Ross; Contract between The State Foundation on the Culture and the Arts and the Friends of the Judiciary History Center of Hawaii 1989, 1990, 1991 CJWSRS3B3:40
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Projects/Misc. Letter correspondence between Jane L. Silverman and Harry V. Ball about Ball's absence at a recent meeting; Opium and the Law: Hawaii 1856-1900 by Lily Lim-Chong and Harry V. Ball; Agreement between Judiciary History Center and Heidi Tobias Smith; Document titled "Exhibit A", Checklist for Contractual Duties", by Heidi Tobias-Smith; Legal Records Retrial Project background information; Memo correspondence between Harry Ball and Jerry Brennan about "Prices for OCR Software and Hardware" 1988 CJWSRS3B3:41
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Projects/Misc. Letter from Jane L. Silverman about the copyright that she held on "Kaahumanu:Molder of Change"; Memorandum correspondence between Janice Wolf and Jane Silverman about "Preliminary Five Year Plan for the Judiciary History Center", attached is the plane; Letter correspondence between Herminia Laola Ross and William S. Richardson about a gift by Ross to the Judiciary History Center; Historic Hawaii Book Review Ka'ahumanu, Molder of Change; Hawaiian Mission Children's Society, Guide to Historic Downtown Honolulu 1988 CJWSRS3B3:42
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Projects/Misc. Invitation to a celebration of the publishing of "Kaahumanu" by Jane L. Silverman, hosted by the Friends of the Judiciary History Center; Announcement of the first publication of "Kaahumanu, Molder of Change" by Jane L. Silverman; United Way 2014 State Pledge Form; Letter correspondence between Lillian Kruse and William S. Richardson about an upcoming reception; Handwritten notes; Invitation by the Friends of the Judiciary HIstory Center of Hawaii to a reception; Document titled "Invitation List"; Letter correspondence between Janice Wolf and Jane Silverman about an upcoming reception 1987 CJWSRS3B3:43
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Projects/Misc. Book review titled "Kaahumanu:Molder of Change"; Letter correspondence between Thurston Twigg-Smith and Jane Silverman about the publishing of the Kaahumanu biography; Document titled "Publication of Kaahumanu Biography as Money raiser"; Star-Bulletin article regarding "The queen who fought the gods"; Friends of the Judiciary History Center, reception program; Essay by Jane L. Silverman titled "Imposition of a Western Judicial System in the Hawaiian Monarchy"; Letter correspondence between the LEC and Chief Justice Lum about ""Justice Award" of Young Lawyer's Section of Hawaii Bar Association" 1983, 1984, 1986, 1987 CJWSRS3B3:44
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Projects/Misc. Letter correspondence between Michael D. Wilson and Herman Lum about "Justice Award"; Letter correspondence between Michael D. Wilson and the Young Lawyers Division about the Second Annual "Justice Award"; Letter correspondence between Barnes Riznik and William S. Richardson about advice by Riznik; Letter correspondence between Jane Silverman and William S. Richardson about a copy of plan, attached is the plan; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and the members of the Friends of the Judiciary about a grant for exhibits in the center; 1984 CJWSRS3B3:45
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Projects/Misc. Summary of panelists' comments from the National Council Book; Memo correspondence between William S. Richardson and C.F. Damon about "Kaahumanu: Molder of Change" by Jane Silverman; Letter correspondence between C.F. Damon and All Committee Members Research and Publications Committee about "Kaahumanu Moulder of Change" by Jane L. Silverman"; Letter correspondence between C.F. Damon and William S. Richardson about a publication committee's recommendation; Handwritten note; Copy of "Kaahumanu: Molder of Change" by Jane Silverman 1984 CJWSRS3B3:46
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Projects/Misc. Letter correspondence between Jane Silverman and Frank about the "Kaahumanu manuscript"; Letter correspondence between Frank Damon and William S. Richardson about a biography of Kaahumanu; Letter correspondence between Lester C. Cingcade and William T. Alderson about "Hawaii Judiciary Museum"; Handwritten notes; NEH application to the Judiciary by Jane Silverman 1983 CJWSRS3B3:47
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Projects/Misc. Unaddressed memorandum from Jane Silverman about "Museum Implementation Grant Request"; A Monthly Dispatch from the American Association of Museums article regarding "NEH Awards Grants to Museums"; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Jane Silverman about "Museum Implementation Grant Request"; Letter correspondence between Mari Hong and C.F. Hong about a letter from Peter Nelligan; Letter correspondence between Jane Silverman and William A Grant about a recent Judiciary Museum Program; Handwritten note; Hawaii Museums Association program titled "On-line with the Future: Computers in Museums" 1983 CJWSRS3B3:48
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Tax Memo correspondence between William S. Richardson and the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts about a tax certificate; Letter correspondence between Walter Ida and William S. Richardson about federal tax returns for 1983-1990; Handwritten note; Honolulu Advertiser article regarding "Public Notice"; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and the IRS about the attached forms 990-PF for the tax years 1983-1990 1991 CJWSRS3B3:49
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Tax Affidavit of Publication In the Matter of Public Notice, Judiciary History Center; Letter correspondence between the Friends of the Judiciary History Center of Hawaii and Peat Marwick Main & Co. about the centers '83-'90 tax returns; Letter correspondence between Ivan and Jane Silverman about the "IRS and accountant"; Letter correspondence between Spark Matsunaga "IRS William S. Richardson about a tax exemption; Letter correspondence the Friends of the Judiciary History Center of Hawaii and an IRS District Director about changing the name of the center 1984, 1988, 1991 CJWSRS3B3:50
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Tax Letter correspondence between Cherry Matano and William S. Richardson about a "Statement of Exemption Under New Name"; Letter correspondence between Spark Matsunaga and William S. Richardson about a letter sent to the IRS; Letter correspondence between the district director of the IRS and William S. Richardson about "Statement of the exemption under new name"; Letter correspondence between the Friends of the Judiciary Museum and the district of the IRS about a tax exemption; State of Hawaii, Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Certificate of Amendment 1986, 1988, 1996 CJWSRS3B3:51
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Tax Note from Nancy Beckner to CJ Richardson about an attached letter correspondence between R. Al Alicante and William S. Richardson about "EP/EO: EOG-2:D:RA"; Letter correspondence between the Friends of the Judiciary Museum and R. Al Alicante about an "advanced ruling as an organization", attached is a consent to proposed Adverse Action form; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Ms. Cantu about "EIN 90-0227693"; Letter correspondence between The Friends of the Judiciary Museum and the IRS District Director about an advance ruling Period, attached are documents concerning gifts to the center 1985, 1986 CJWSRS3B3:52
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Tax IRS document titled "Schedule A (Form 941) and Backup withholding"; Letter correspondence between Ivan M. Lui-Kwan and William S. Richardson about "Friends of Judiciary Museum"; Letter correspondence between Ivan M. Lui-Kwan and the Friends of the Judiciary Museum about "The Friends of the Judiciary Museum", attached is "a copy of the Annual Nonprofit corporation Exhibit"; Letter correspondence between Friends of the Judiciary Museum and Ivan M. Lui-Kwan about "Friends of the Judiciary Museum", attached is a letter from the IRS Stating that the Friends of the Judiciary Museum is a tax exempt organization 1984, CJWSRS3B3:53
Series 3: Judiciary Judiciary History Center Tax Letter correspondence between The Friends of the Judiciary Museum and the IRS District Director about a tax exemption; Letter correspondence between the IRS and Friends of the Judiciary museum about a "Notice of New Employer Identification Number Assigned"; The Friends of the Judiciary Museum 941E form; Handwritten note; State of Hawaii Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Annual Nonprofit Corporation Exhibit; Letter correspondence between Lester E. Cingcade, et al about an upcoming admin committee meeting; Letter correspondence between Lester C. Cingcade and William T. Alderson about "Hawaii Judiciary Museum"; Document titled "Administration of the History Center" 1983, 1984, 1986 CJWSRS3B3:54
Series 3: Judiciary     Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson , et al. about a Spirit of Excellence Award; Letter 1993, 2003, 2006 CJWSRS3B3:55
Series 3: Judiciary     Excerpt of Hawaii Rules of Court; Market Recap 12/30/90, Yield Curve; Handwritten Notes; Coopers & Lybrand, Nonprofit Management Newsletter; The Judiciary History Center, Annual Report, Fiscal Year 1992-1993; The Judiciary History Center, 1992 Annual Report; Handwritten notes; State of Hawaii Department of Planning and Economic Development Analysis; Friends of the Judiciary History Center Board Meeting Agenda; In the Supreme Court of the state of Hawaii, order of Appointment pertaining to the Executive Board for the Judiciary History Center 1990, 1992, 1993 CJWSRS3B3:56
Series 3: Judiciary     Handwritten and typed notes; Immunogenetics and Transplantation Laboratory UCSF, Screening Reminder to William S. Richardson; Handwritten note; Pamphlet titled "First Hawaiian Second Quarter Report"; Excerpt from "Hawaii Rules of Court"; Ke Kia'i, Volume 4, No. 3 1993, 1993 CJWSRS3B3:57
Series 3: Judiciary     Letter correspondence between Amy Kahoiwai, et al. about Amy Wung Richardson's 80th Birthday Celebration; House of Representatives, 10th Legislature, State of Hawaii, H.C.R No. 131; Pamphlet by the Boy Scouts of America and Kaimuki Lions Club titled "Troop 10 70th Anniversary"; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Walter G. Chuck about "Kapalama Investment Company/Bishop Estate"; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and William J. Brennan about a recent meeting 1975, 1986, 1990, 1992 CJWSRS3B3:58
Series 3: Judiciary     Letter Correspondence between William J. Brennan Jr. and William S. Richardson about Brennan's retirement from the supreme court; Memorandum correspondence between Frank Haines, et al. about the attached copy of the Historic Hawaii Foundation Preservation Award; Letter correspondence between Michael A. Weight and William S. Richardson about the sentencing of a mutual friend; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Robinson O. Everett about some materials concerning Article III status; Letter correspondence between William Richardson and Robinson O. Everett about a recent reception 1982, 1987, 1989, 1990 CJWSRS3B3:59
Series 3: Judiciary     Letter Correspondence between Adrienne S. King and William S. Richardson about a photo by Richardson of King and Justice Stevens; Duke University School of Law, Commencement Program; CV of Beatrice Major Burns; St. Anthony Messenger, article regarding "Governor John Burns and his wife Beatrice had a rugged road"; JHA Newsletter; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and a chief Justice about an invitation to give a keynote presentation; A&B week flyer; 1981, 1986, 1987 CJWSRS3B3:60
Series 3: Judiciary     Letter correspondence between W.J. Crow Jr. and William S. Richardson about a recent visit; Wedding of Laurel Anne to Frederick Andrew Wang invitation; The Kamehameha Schools invitation to the Graduation of the class of 1985; The Kamehameha schools 1985 Graduation Program; The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Certificate of Achievement of William S. Richardson; Hawaii Society of the American Institute of Architect's Honor award; University of Hawaii Foundation invitation to a reception in Honor of Carol Santoki Dodd and William S. Richardson 1982, 1985 CJWSRS3B3:61
Series 3: Judiciary     Invitation by the Historic Hawaii Foundation to a Winter Celebration; Letter correspondence between William Brennan and William Richardson about a recent letter; Open letter from William S. Richardson about the goals of the Friends of the Judiciary; Commendation by the House of Representatives of the State of Hawaii to William S. Richardson; House of Representatives of the State of Hawaii 12th Legislature H.R. No. 409; The James H. and Minnie M. Edmonds Educational Foundation Scholarship Information 1982, 1983, 1984 CJWSRS3B3:62
Series 3: Judiciary     Letter correspondence between Harry A. Blackmun and William S. Richardson about thanking Richardson for his hospitality; Letter correspondence between James N. Ishida and William S. Richardson about a recent interview; 'Aha'ilono, Volume X., No. 1; Funeral Service program for Allen Richardson; Letter to William S. Richardson thanking Richardson for his letter of recommendation; Interview of William S. Richardson by Dan Boylan, published in an unspecified magazine; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Betty Vitousek about Richardson's recent Family Court Keynote address 1982, 1983, 1984 CJWSRS3B3:63
Series 3: Judiciary     Letter correspondence between An Wang and William S. Richardson about an invitation to a dinner; Letter correspondence between William Richardson and Robert C. Oshiro about an Inauguration ceremony; Article from an unidentified newspaper regarding "More Marshland Cheap Shots"; Letter correspondence between George R. Ariyoshi and William Richardson and Henry R. Richmond about a recent meeting with Michael Wilson 1982, 1983 CJWSRS3B3:64
Series 3: Judiciary     Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Frank E. Midkiff about Midkiff's retirement from his trusteeship; Letter correspondence between Warren E Burger and William Richardson about the law school's 10th Anniversary convocation; Letter correspondence between William D. Nueske and William S. Richardson about Judge Acoba; Invitation to a dinner held in the honor of Their Imperial Highness Prince and Princess Hitachi of Japan; University of Hawaii, School of Law 1989 Faculty, Entering Class and Transfers Dread Mission Program 1982, 1983 CJWSRS3B3:65
Series 3: Judiciary     Letter of invitation to the Wedding of Nancy Ruth and David Michael Jakus; Thank you letter to William S. Richardson from Stanley Okano; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Bill Brennan about a recent meeting; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Alice L. O'Donnell's affiliation with the National Center for State of Directors of the National Center for State Courts about a recent lunch with Paul Reardon and Alice O'Donnell, attached is a letter of acknowledgment by O'Donnell 1981, 1982 CJWSRS3B3:66
Series 3: Judiciary     Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and the "members of our Judiciary Family" about gratitude for years of service; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and William Brennan about a resolution signed by Brennan; Letter correspondence between Lawrence W. I'Anson and an undetermined about the launching of the National Center for State Courts; Letter correspondence between Douglas R. Sodetani and "J.C." about "J.C's" work; Letter correspondence between William Brennan and William S. Richardson and Richardson's hospitality 1979, 1981 CJWSRS3B3:67
Series 3: Judiciary     Letter correspondence between Kimi and Hoi about a symbol; Memorandum correspondence between Benjamin Menor, et al. about an attached letter correspondence between George Ariyoshi and Benjamin Menor about Menor's retirement from his position in the Hawaii Supreme Court; Invitation to the wedding reception of Jean Kashiwaeda and Guy Fujio; Invitation to the wedding of Lena Leinala and Gary Glenn Beall; Invitation to the wedding reception of Sono HIrose and Dudley W. Hulbert; Invitation to the inauguration of Eileen R. Anderson as Mayor of Honolulu; Invitation to William S. Richardson by Paula and Anita De Domenico in honor of the Ambassador of Egypt 1980, 1981 CJWSRS3B3:68
Series 3: Judiciary     Kaahumanu Hale Groundbreaking Ceremony Program; Duke University School of Law Commencement Program; Nuhou O Ke Kulanui, News of the College, Vol. 3 Issue 7; Letter of invitation to a state dinner; Letter of invitation by Mr. and Mrs. Ariyoshi to a reception honoring the American Newspaper Publishers Association; Letter of invitation by Mr. and Mrs. Ariyoshi to a dinner; Thank you letter by Malleh to William S. Richardson for Richardson's invitation to a reception; Letter of invitation to a state dinner 1978, 1980, 1981 CJWSRS3B3:69
Series 3: Judiciary     Letter of invitation to the Wedding of Helene Sachiko and Own Tamotsu; Letter correspondence between Clifford Little Fox Bowling and William S. Richardson about Richardson's election to President of the National Center for State Courts; Letter Correspondence between SHirley M. Hufstedler and William S. Richardson about thoughtful note; Letter correspondence between Jung Y. Lowe and William S. Richardson about acting as a personal reference on Jung's behalf; Letter correspondence between Jung Y. Lower and William S. Richardson about "Dynamic New Laws for Economic Development of the People's Republic of China" 1979, 1980 CJWSRS3B3:70
Series 3: Judiciary     Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Donald M. Chang about Richardson's presence at the Moot Court; Letter corresponding between William S. Richardson and Miller about Richardson's election to President of the National Center for state courts; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Dana A. Rasmussen about Richardson's hospitality; Letter correspondence between Eileen R. Anderson and William Richardson about Anderson's retirement; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Lindsay G. Arthur about Richardson's recent election 1980 CJWSRS3B3:71
Series 3: Judiciary     Letter correspondence between Edward B. McConnell and William S. Richardson about an attached certificate recognizing Richardson's participation as an associate of the National Center; Unaddressed birthday card by William S. Richardson; Letter correspondence between William Brennan and William S. Richardson about an upcoming luncheon; Letter correspondence between in ceremony; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and William Brennan about Richardson's election; Letter correspondence between C.J. Richardson and Laurie Herai about Herai's retirement; Letter of invitation to the wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ariyoshi 1980, 1981 CJWSRS3B3:72
Series 3: Judiciary     Letter correspondence between David R. Hood and William S. Richardson about the first issue of the University of Hawaii Law Review; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and the "Members of our Judiciary Family" thanking the members for their service; Thank you letter from Betty Chikemoto to Patsy, et al. for their attendance at a party honoring Chikemoto; The Cincinnati Enquirer article regarding "Six to Receive Honorary Degrees in UC Commencement Exercises"; Thank you letter to C.J. from Ellen Lee Hee for her time working with C.J.; Letter correspondence between Larry L. Sipes and William S. Richardson about Richardson's presentation 1967, 1979, 1980 CJWSRS3B3:73
Series 3: Judiciary     Rotary Club of Honolulu, Constitution and Bylaws; Rotary International, Pamphlet titled "Brief Facts About Rotary"; Press Release by the office of the Administrative Director of Honolulu about William S. Richardson's naming as an honorary member of the University of Hawaii School of Law Alumni Association; Letter correspondence between C.J. Richardson , et al. thanking Richardson for his leadership; Ground breaking ceremony for the new District Court Building; Certificate by the Hawaii Senate to William S. Richardson for the successful and Effective operation of Hale Opio Kauai, icni 1960, 1979 CJWSRS3B3:74
Series 3: Judiciary     Letter correspondence between Russell H. Yamashita and William S. Richardson about Yamashita's position in the judicial system; Letter correspondence between Charles F. Mars land and William S. Richardson about a speech; Iolani Palace Centennial Cornerstone Commemorative ceremony booklet; Award to William S. Richardson by the University of Hawaii for the title "Koa Kohela"; Letter correspondence between Andrew T.F. Ing and Frank T. Takao certifying and providing documentation for received medallions 1966, 1979, 1982 CJWSRS3B3:75
Series 3: Judiciary     The Cincinnati Enquirer article regarding "A Different View"; Certificate of Appreciation to William S. Richardson by the Hawaii Jaycees and The United States Jaycees for his service; Certificate of Membership of William S. Richardson to the Rotary Club of Honolulu; Funeral Service books of Amy Lan Kyau Wung; Certificate titled "Arkansas Traveler" awarded to William S. Richardson by the American Judicature Society for his membership 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968 CJWSRS3B3:76
Series 3: Judiciary     The International Institute of Municipal clerks certificate of Associate Membership of William S. RIchardson; The World Peace Through Law Center Certificate of Membership of William S. Richardson about an attached certificate by the Nassau County Lawyers; Letter correspondence between an unnamed student and William S. Richardson about corruption at the laws school 1967, 1982 CJWSRS3B3:77