Series 3: Box 2

Primary Series Subseries Item Date Box Number
Series 3: Judiciary   Aha 'iLono volume VI, No.3; Record by Frank Delima and the Honolulu Boy Choir titled "No Mo' Christmas Blues Here Comes Santa In a Red Canoe"; Letter correspondence between William Richardson and Elisa S. Young about a recent graduation celebration; Emmett Cahill, et al. V. Hawaiian Paradise Park Corporation, No. 5612, Appeal From First Circuit Court. 1975, 1978 CJWSRS3B2:1
Series 3: Judiciary   Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Daniel K. Inouye about a copy of a speech, attached is No.175-5 of the Congressional Record-Senate; Letter correspondence between John F. Davis and H.G. Dodge about "Nos. 318, 323, and 409"; letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Bert T. Kobayashi about hiring a counsel; A Bill for an Act Proposing an Amendment to Article III, Section 7 of the constitution of the State of Hawaii; Legislative Reference Bureau, Request NO. B-0696, Absentee Registration and voting Provision in the States as of December 1963; Letter correspondence between John A Burns, Nobuki Kamida, et al. about Terms of holdover Senator; Time of effectuation of reappointment. 1964, 1966 CJWSRS3B2:2
Series 3: Judiciary   Letter correspondence between John A. Burns and Bert T. Kobayashi about an approved retention; letter correspondence between John A. Burns, et al. about severability of provisions in an article and constitution of a provision; letter correspondence between John A. Burns, et al. about Utilization of single-member and multi member districts in reapportioning Legislature; letter correspondence between John A. Burns et al. about "Registered voters as standard for Apportioning Legislature"; Burns, et al. about "Registered voters as standard for Apportioning Legislature"; Letter correspondence between John A. Burns, et al. about "Terms of holdover Senators; Time of effectuation of reapportionment. 1964 CJWSRS3B2:3
Series 3: Judiciary   Letter correspondence between John A. Burns, et al. about questions posed concerning the re-appointment of the Hawaii Legislature; memorandum correspondence between John A. Burns and the Department of the Attorney General about "Summary of opinions on legislative apportionment and observations"; letter correspondence between William S. Richardson, et al. acknowledging a previous letter; memorandum correspondence between John A. Burns and the Department of the Attorney General about "Summary of Opinions on legislative apportionment and observations" 1964 CJWSRS3B2:4
Series 3: Judiciary   Carl J. Guntert, et al. V. William S. Richardson, No.4436, Defendant's Brief; Address by Governor John A. Burns, Joint session of the Second State Legislature; handwritten note; Carl J. Guntert, et al. V. William S. Richardson, Submission of Case upon agreed Statement of facts; letter correspondence between William S. Richardson, et al. about apportionment of state legislative bodies; letter correspondence between William S. Richardson, et al. about method of apportionment. 1964 CJWSRS3B2:5
Series 3: Judiciary   Testimony of Robert C. Schmitt before the State House of Representatives; memorandum correspondence between WSR and Pearl about "15 minutes Speech to Chinese Jr. Chamber of Commerce"; letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Wallace S.J. Ching about an invitation to an upcoming meeting; Office of the Lieutenant Governor, The Primary Laws of the State of Hawaii; letter correspondence between Nelson Doi and Robert C. Schmitt about "Apportionment based on five Oahu districts"; Honolulu Advertiser article regarding "Reapportioning Problems in Other States Described" 1964 CJWSRS3B2:6
Series 3: Judiciary Japan-June Star-Bulletin article regarding "New System is Lauded by Chief Justice"; Honolulu Advertiser article regarding "There Courage never flagged"; Honolulu Advertiser article regarding "DOE teachers can be told to quit at 65, court rules"; Honolulu Star-Bulletin article regarding "Seniors to Lobby for PUC Election"; 1981 CJWSRS3B2:7
Series 3: Judiciary   Seattle Post Intelligencer article regarding "Rehnquist To Judges: 'Roll With Punches'; The Honolulu Advertiser article regarding "Siblings: What's it like to be the unfamous brother or sister"; The Honolulu Advertiser article regarding "Pearl Nishimura"; The Honolulu Advertiser article regarding "Outgoing Chief Justice long a Hawaiian activist"; Star-Bulletin & Advertiser article regarding "Future of Hawaiian lies in Education" 1972, 1982-1983 CJWSRS3B2:8
Series 3: Judiciary Conference of Chief Justices National Center for State Courts, History of the Conference of Chief Justices; Letter correspondence between the members of the conference of Chief Justices and J.A. Turnage, attached is a letter correspondence between Duke Cameron and H. Warren Knight about a recent visit to corporate Headquarters; letter correspondence between Brenda A. William and Larry Sipes about the minutes of a meeting; 1986, 1993 CJWSRS3B2:9
Series 3: Judiciary (WSR) National Center for State Courts Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Larry L. Sipes about Chief Justice Ellen Asu Peters; letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Larry L. Sipes about the date of a luncheon; National Center for State Courts, 1993 Annual Report; Handwritten notes; "About" page of the National Center for State Courts; NCSC Research Division "Home" page; NCSC "Courts Services Division" and "Institute for Court Management(ICM)"; Handwritten notes; National Conference on the Future of the Judiciary 1987, 1994, 1996-1997 CJWSRS3B2:10
Series 3: Judiciary (WSR) National Center for State Courts Documents titled "Statement of William Shaw Richardson"; Fax correspondence between William S. Richardson and Brenda Williams about a copy of a document; National Center For State Courts, Annual Report 1994, 1997 CJWSRS3B2:11
Series 3: Judiciary Misc. Staff Reports Star-Bulletin article regarding "Time to appoint two Bishop Estate trustees" document from "Telephony" titled "A new industry is born"; New Miami article regarding "City Beat"; Atlanta Business Chronicle article regarding " 'Bypass' competition for BellSouth"; Star-Bulletin article regarding "Bank America cleared to buy security Pacific"; Book review by Randall W. Roth for " The Price of Paradise, Lucky we Live Hawaii?" 1991-1992 CJWSRS3B2:12
Series 3: Judiciary Misc.Staff Reports Invitation to a reception in honor of the book "The Price of Paradise"; Letter Correspondence between Randall W. Roth and Oswald K. Stender about a soon to be published book; Photocopy of the first 7 pages of "The Price of Paradise" by Randall W. Roth; contact card of David L. Callies; Stetson Law Review, Vol.21 , No.3; Newsletter of the Friends of the Judiciary, Kaulike, No.4; handwritten letter from "Emmett" to William S. Richardson about a book he is writing, attached is an article regarding a family member of Richardson; letter correspondence between Pearl and Amy about a check 1985, 1992 CJWSRS3B2:13
Series 3: Judiciary National Center for State Courts National Center for State Courts Report, Vol.II, No.5; Fax correspondence between William S. Richardson and Larry Sipes about an attached letter from Sipes to Richardson, regarding a "video film entitled "vision for the courts"; The National Center for State Courts, booklet titled "A Commemorative History of its Structure and Organization in Honor of 20 years of Service to the State Courts"; The NCSC booklet titled "Catalyst for Change: The First Twenty Years of the National Center for State Courts"; Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Larry L. Sipes about a recent contribution to the Florence L. McConnell Award 1984, 1991-1992 CJWSRS3B2:14
Series 3: Judiciary National Center for State Courts Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Larry L. Sipes about a recent contribution to the NCSC; letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Larry L. Sipes about a possible gift; letter correspondence between Larry L. Sipes and William S. Richardson about the establishment of a new award; fax correspondence between William S. Richardson and Larry Sipes about the passing of Florence McConnell; letter correspondence between Edward McConnell and William S. Richardson about the passing of Edward McConnell; Thank you card from The American Cancer Society and Florence McConnell 1991-1992 CJWSRS3B2:15
Series 3: Judiciary National Center for State Courts Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and the American Cancer Society about a check; letter correspondence between Maxine Rhodes and the Members of the Advisory Council about the recent passing of Florence McConnell; National Center for State Court, 20th Anniversary, Advisory Council Attendee List and Agenda; Letter correspondence between Larry L. Sipes and William S. Richardson about the Success of a recent event; fax correspondence between Heyatt Fainlakes and William S. Richardson about an attacked; letter correspondence between Larry Sipes and the Participants of the NCSC 20th Anniversary celebration regarding the details of the event 1990-1991 CJWSRS3B2:16
Series 3: Judiciary National Center for State Courts Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Erick B. Low about an Oral History Project; letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Larry L. Sipes about an upcoming celebration; National Center for State Courts, 1987 Annual Report; letter correspondence between Lester E. Cingcade and William S. Richardson about the recent naming of a boardroom; letter correspondence between Ralph J. Erickstad and William S. Richardson about the acceptance of an award; letter correspondence between Edward B. McConnell and William S. Richardson 1984, 1991 CJWSRS3B2:17
Series 3: Judiciary National Center for State Courts Letter correspondence between Edward B. McConnell and William S. Richardson about the National Center's Distinguished Service Award; between Edward B. McConnell and William S. Richardson about a contribution to the NCSC; between Edward B. McConnell and Brenda A. Williams about the meeting of the coordinating council on Lawyer Competence; between Lawrence H. Cooke and William S. Richardson inviting Richardson to serve on the Conference of Chief Justices coordinating council on Lawyer Competence. 1983-1984 CJWSRS3B2:18
Series 3: Judiciary National Center for State Courts Letter correspondence between Norman Krivosha and William S. Richardson enclosed with Questionnaire Relating to Possible Presentations at Future Council Meetings; between Lawrence H. Cooke and William S. Richardson about serving on the Conference of Chief Justices Coordinating Council on Lawyer Competence; between Edward B, McConnell and William S. Richardson about serving on the National Center's Advisory Council. 1983 CJWSRS3B2:19
Series 3: Judiciary   Photographs: Lum, Nakamura, Menor, and Ogata.   CJWSRS3B2:20
Series 3: Judiciary   Letter correspondence between the Hawaii Visitors Bureau and William S. Richardson about the Kamehameha The Great Outdoor Historical Pageant. Sunset Magazine, "Kamehameha's Coast" 1991 CJWSRS3B2:21
Series 3: Judiciary   "The Old- Iolani Palace", Photo   CJWSRS3B2:22
Series 3: Judiciary   State Government News, "Mounting caseloads concerns chief Justice" 1975 CJWSRS3B2:23
Series 3: Judiciary Picture Frames Various Photographs: William S. Richardson, Jennifer Young c/o 2004, Malia Lee c/o 2004, and others 2002, 2008 CJWSRS3B2:24
Series 3: Judiciary Picture Frames Photo: 2008 Conference of Chief Justices, Williamsburg, Virginia 2008 CJWSRS3B2:25
Series 3: Judiciary Misc. Organizations Letter Correspondence between Mollie Dean Casil and William S. Richardson about a life membership of The Friends of 'Iolani Palace 1987 CJWSRS3B2:26
Series 3: Judiciary Misc. Organizations Letter Correspondence between William S. Richardson and Lois C. Loomis about funding for the Native Hawaiian Advisory Council; between Elizabeth Pa Martin and William S. Richardson about a letter of endorsement, enclosed with a grant proposal for Ford Foundation. 1991 CJWSRS3B2:27
Series 3: Judiciary Misc. Organizations Calabash Cousins of the Daughters of Hawaii, Membership List 1989 CJWSRS3B2:28
Series 3: Judiciary Misc. Organizations Letter correspondence between James C. Luckey and William S. Richardson about membership in the Lahaina Restoration Foundation, enclosed with a Lahaina Restoration Foundation, Annual Report. 1984-1985 CJWSRS3B2:29
Series 3: Judiciary Misc. Organizations KA NUPEPA: The Newsletter of The Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu 1985 CJWSRS3B2:30
Series 3: Judiciary Misc. Organizations Letter correspondence between Kali Watson and William S. Richardson enclosed with a certificate for Honorary Membership in the Honolulu Hawaiian Jaycees; between Robert L. Cushing and William S. Richardson enclosed with a gift membership to the Hawaiian Historical Society; between Ed Hendricks and William S. Richardson enclosed with The American Judicature Society Certification of Award. 1983, 1985, 1992 CJWSRS3B2:31
Series 3: Judiciary Misc. Organizations Hawaii, Women Lawyers, Directory. 1988 CJWSRS3B2:32
Series 3: Judiciary Misc. Organizations Notes, WSR telephone conversation with Rev. Ken Perkins. Church of the Epiphany, Directory 1990-1991 CJWSRS3B2:33
Series 3: Judiciary Misc. Organizations Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson, Clark C. Havighurst, and Paul D. Carrington about the Private Adjudication Center Clients and Lawyers Forum Service, enclosed with a description of the service; between James F. Henry and William S. Richardson about the Asbestos Claims Facility and insurance coverage disputes. 1986-1988 CJWSRS3B2:34
Series 3: Judiciary Misc. Organizations Troop 10, 75th Anniversary Celebration, Program and Directory 1992 CJWSRS3B2:35
Series 3: Judiciary Misc. Organizations Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Jonathan T. Bastis enclosed with a membership application to the Pacific Rim Foundation; between Dwight L. Yoshimura, Clarice Y. Yashimoto, Calvin K.Y. Say and William S. Richardson enclosed with the Pacific Rim Foundation's Draft Mission Statement. Pacific Rim Foundation, Hokule'a and Beyond... Hawaii's Cultural Links in the Pacific 1987 CJWSRS3B2:36
Series 3: Judiciary Misc. Organizations Honolulu Scottish Rite Bodies, Yearbook 1987 CJWSRS3B2:37
Series 3: Judiciary Native Hawaiian Advisory Council Various correspondence about the reapplication for the Native Hawaiian Advisory Council's grant from the Administration for Native Americans(ANA) for the "Native Hawaiian Water Resources Control Project" 1992 CJWSRS3B2:38
Series 3: Judiciary Native Hawaiian Bar Association Letter correspondence between William S. Richardson and Yuklin Aluli about the Native Hawaiian Bar Association's membership; between S. Timothy Wapato, Commissioner and William S. Richardson about the ANA 93612-931, Native Hawaiian Advisory Council, Native Hawaiian Water Resources Control Project. 1992 CJWSRS3B2:39
Series 3: Judiciary Native Hawaiian Bar Association Speech about formation of a Native Hawaiian Bar Association 1992 CJWSRS3B2:40
Series 3: Judiciary Native Hawaiian Bar Association Native Hawaiian Bar Association, William S. Richardson's membership information and application 1992 CJWSRS3B2:41
Series 3: Judiciary Native Hawaiian Bar Association Letter from the Native Hawaiian Bar Association about a gathering at the Queen Emma Summer Palace. 1992 CJWSRS3B2:42
Series 3: Judiciary Speeches Welcome Address, William S. Richardson, Native Hawaiian Rights Conference Friday, May 27. 1983 CJWSRS3B2:43
Series 3: Judiciary   Conference of Chief Justices, Twenty-fifth Annual Meeting, Biographical Sketches and Portraits. Letter correspondence between Robert C. Murphy and William S. Richardson about the Conference. 1973 CJWSRS3B2:44
Series 3: Judiciary   Hung Wo Ching, Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate Land Management Operations (A talk at the Honolulu Rotary Club) 1972 CJWSRS3B2:45
Series 3: Judiciary St. Francis Hemodialysis Center Letter correspondence between Sister Maureen and William S. Richardson and between Cecil Heftel and William S. Richardson about lunch and dinner meetings with the Saint Francis Hemodialysis Center. St. Francis Hospital Hemodialysis Budget and Statistics. 1969-1970 CJWSRS3B2:46
Series 3: Judiciary St. Francis Hemodialysis Center Memorandum from the Chronic Disease Branch to All those concerned with the Chronic Renal Disease Program about a notice of public hearing. Draft, Public Health Regulations, Department of Health, State of Hawaii, Chapter 41, Chronic Renal Disease 1970 CJWSRS3B2:47
Series 3: Judiciary St. Francis Hemodialysis Center Sierra Pacific Power Company, Request to change Address Form.   CJWSRS3B2:48
Series 3: Judiciary 1970 Foster Care Committee, Child and Family Service Child and Family Service Brochures: "We Need Foster Parents"; "Let's Go Home, Son"; "Adoption Fees" 1968 CJWSRS3B2:49
Series 3: Judiciary 1970 Foster Care Committee, Child and Family Service Minutes of Child and Family Service Foster Care Committee Meeting: March 24, 1971; February 2, 1971; November 4, 1970; September 22, 1970; April 28, 1970; and March 31, 1970. Child and Family Service, Foster Care Committee Meeting, Agenda: February 2, 1971; September 22, 1970; April 28, 1970; and March 31, 1970. 1970-1971 CJWSRS3B2:50
Series 3: Judiciary   Memo from John A. Hoag to Bill about an open-editorial being published on one of the dailies. 1996 CJWSRS3B2:51
Series 3: Judiciary   "Same-sex" unions: Let voters decide" by Rex E. Lee   CJWSRS3B2:52
Series 3: Judiciary   U.S. Senate, Republican Policy Committee, "Hawaii's Same-Sex 'Marriages' and Federal law". A paper about allowing The public to vote on a constitutional Amendment prohibiting same sex marriage. 1996 CJWSRS3B2:53
Series 3: Judiciary   Constitutional Convention of Hawaii of 1978: Proposal No.662 Introduced by Delegate Masu Dyer; Committee on Bill of Rights, Suffrage and Elections. 1978 CJWSRS3B2:54
Series 3: Judiciary   "Statement of Rex E. Lee" 1996 CJWSRS3B2:55
Series 3: Judiciary   Ninia Baehr, et al., V. John C. Lewin, Defendant's Pretrial Statement, Exhibit A, Civil No. 91-1394-05 (Injunctions) 1994 CJWSRS3B2:56
Series 3: Judiciary   Letter correspondence between John A. Hoag and Frederick W. Rohlfing III about the constitutional Amendment language. A letter favoring Senate Bill 2366. 1966 CJWSRS3B2:57
Series 3: Judiciary   Family Policy, "Gay 'Marriage': Hawaii's Assault on Matrimony" by Robert H. Knight. Wall Street Journal, "Gay Marriage: Who Should Decide?" 1996 CJWSRS3B2:58
Series 3: Judiciary   Confidential Memorandums: from R.G. Grey to File about an investment criteria; from RGG to File about Multipoint Networks- Investment Summary 1987, 1993 CJWSRS3B2:59
Series 3: Judiciary   Opinions of William S. Richardson, Chief Justice, printed in Hawaii Reports, volumes 60-66, Volume III. 1978-1982 CJWSRS3B2:60
Series 3: Judiciary Supreme Court CJ Opinions, Articles Twenty Years with Judiciary 1979 CJWSRS3B2:61
Series 3: Judiciary Supreme Court CJ Opinions, Articles "Judicial Selection" by Chief Justice William S. Richardson   CJWSRS3B2:62
Series 3: Judiciary Supreme Court CJ Opinions, Articles "Judicial Independence: The Hawaii Experience" by William S. Richardson, University of Hawaii Law Review, Vol. 2 No.1 1979 CJWSRS3B2:63
Series 3: Judiciary Supreme Court CJ Opinions, Articles County of Kauai v. Pacific Standard Life Insurance Company, Opinion, No. 8267 1981 CJWSRS3B2:64
Series 3: Judiciary Supreme Court CJ Opinions, Articles Memo to the Justices from BM about No. 8267- County of Kauai v. Pacific Standard Life Insurance Co. 1982 CJWSRS3B2:65
Series 3: Judiciary Supreme Court CJ Opinions, Articles Notes, Q: from what point does court begin calculation developers' expenditures in calculating whether there were "Substantial expenditures." A timeline of zoning, appeal, and construction.   CJWSRS3B2:66
Series 3: Judiciary Supreme Court CJ Opinions, Articles In the Matter of the Application of Clinton Rutledge Ashford and Joan Beverly Schumm Ashford, Opinion and Dissent, No. 4516. 1976 CJWSRS3B2:67
Series 3: Judiciary Supreme Court CJ Opinions, Articles Memo from William s. Richardson to Trustees about a gathering rights case, enclosed with Kalipi v. Hawaiian Trust Company, Ltd., Opinion, No.6597 1982, 1987 CJWSRS3B2:68
Series 3: Judiciary Supreme Court CJ Opinions, Articles Robinson v. Ariyoshi, Opinion, No. 8241 1982 CJWSRS3B2:69
Series 3: Judiciary Supreme Court CJ Opinions, Articles "Judicial Independence: The Hawaii Experience" by William S. Richardson University of Hawaii Law Review, Vol. 2, No.1 1979 CJWSRS3B2:70
Series 3: Judiciary Supreme Court CJ Opinions, Articles "Remarks on Alternative Proposals to Remedy Appellate Congestion in Hawaii" by Chief Justice William S. Richardson, Draft and version published in the Hawaii Bar Journal. 1978 CJWSRS3B2:71
Series 3: Judiciary   William L. Lee, Hawaii's First Chief Justice and Chancellor of the Kingdom   CJWSRS3B2:72
Series 3: Judiciary   "Charles Reed Bishop: Letter File" Compiled and edited by Harold W. Kent 1972 CJWSRS3B2:73
Series 3: Judiciary   "The Family of George Morison Robertson and Sarah Symonds Humphreys Robertson of Hawaii after One Hundred, Twenty-Two Years, 1851-1973" by Lydia "Pat" Schaefer Cooke. 1973 CJWSRS3B2:74
Series 3: Judiciary 2nd Circuit Court minute book Minute Book of the Second Circuit Court (Maui, Molokai, and Lanai) July 1852- December 1853, John Richardson, Judge, Translated from Hawaiian by Esther T. Mookini 1852-1853 CJWSRS3B2:75